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Sunday, 10 October 2010

New novel: One Day in Gitmo Nation

I'm a huge fan of the No Agenda podcast. For those of you who don't listen, it's hosted by John C Dvorak and Adam Curry and the topics of conversation focus on conspiracy theories, evil corporations and exposing bad journalism. I thought the topics they discuss on the show might be good fodder for a satirical thriller set in the not-to-distant future, so that's exactly what I've written.

One Day in Gitmo Nation is split into seven chapters, each one telling the story of a different citizen's day in a society controlled by the media and puppet masters sitting high above our governments.

One Day in Gitmo Nation is nearing completion. I'm currently proof-reading what will hopefully be the final draft. Here is the current draft of the cover art I'm working on. Stay tuned for more updates...


grebulon said...

Is there an audiobook version planned?
Preferably read by Dvorak :-)

scottmckenzie said...

Haha, that would be a great idea! I'd love to do an audio version but I don't really think I've got the voice for it. I think it needs to be read by someone with an American accent...